Paid Social

Turn likes into
loyalty with social
media advertising.

Harness the tremendous scale of social media with precision targeting and powerful engagement to build deeper customer relationships today and in a cookieless world.

Broad reach, pinpoint precision

Connect with billions of active users across platforms, based on their demographics, interest, and behaviors. Tap into first-party data to execute precise targeting and maximize ROI.

One access point to the world’s biggest platforms

Drive cross-platform engagement with Facebook, Instagram, YouTube, Pinterest, LinkedIn, Reddit, Snapchat, Twitch, and X all through one single partner.

Serve ads that are too good to scroll past.


Use innovative formats to grab attention and drive engagement throughout the purchase funnel.

Boost relevance and
optimize efficiency

Every ad has its audience. Connect with those who are most likely to find your message relevant for optimal efficiency.

Retarget, reactivate,
and convert

Retarget those who have previously interacted with your brand to stay top of mind and encourage action.

Diverse formats for diverse needs.

Deliver seamless, curated ad experiences throughout your social media campaigns with our array of ad formats. Learn how you can engage and captivate attention with social ads.

Video ads

Use sight, sound, and visuals to tell a strong brand story with video.

Shoppable ads

Move prospects through the purchase funnel with shoppable ads.

Carousel ads

Showcase several products in a single ad and Improve your chances of conversion.

Meet some of the experts
behind Digilant.

Kate Nickolaus Kate Nickolaus Linkedin
Manager, Search

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Frequently asked questions.

You’ve got questions? We have answers.

Is social media advertising cost-effective compared to other advertising channels?

Social media advertising is generally cost-effective due to its precise targeting capabilities and scalable budget options. Advertisers can set specific goals and only pay for actions that align with those objectives, such as clicks or conversions. The ability to reach highly engaged audiences with detailed analytics further enhances its cost-effectiveness.

What are the types of social media advertising?

Types of social media advertising include photo and video ads, carousel ads, stories ads, sponsored posts, and influencer collaborations. Each format offers unique ways to engage users, from visually appealing imagery to interactive content that encourages direct interaction and sharing.

How effective is social media advertising?

Social media advertising is highly effective due to its ability to reach vast and engaged audiences with precision targeting. It allows for real-time engagement, fostering direct interaction between brands and consumers. High levels of personalization, combined with robust analytics, ensure that campaigns can be continuously optimized for better performance.

Discover how we can help
your business grow.