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Revisit: How to Tell When a Non-Skippable Ad Is the Right Choice

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In April 2022, our blog How to Tell When a Non-Skippable Ad Is the Right Choice broke down how to determine which video ad format – skippable or non-skippable – suits your brand. While there are many reasons and justifications for either ad format, we wrote that the ultimate driver in deciding which ad format to choose is based on your goal(s) for the campaign.

With this in mind, we provided a general rule of thumb:

  • If you’re hoping to promote general brand awareness and information to consumers about your brand, choose non-skippable ads.
  • Skippable ads are the way to go if you want to drive action, clicks, or some other conversion.

It may seem premature to revisit a blog a mere twelve months later. However, today’s consumers shift habits in the blink of an eye, and new ad formats and opportunities come and go in months. Recently, we’ve heard an abundance of chatter surrounding video content from clients and industry peers – a newfound focus on areas like:

  • Re-prioritizing ad production in favor of more video content
  • Understanding the pros, cons, and opportunities of different streaming services (especially in light of major players like Netflix, Disney, and HBO adding ad-supporting tiers)
  • Testing budgets in the powerful, albeit intimidating, world of TikTok

These are just a few examples of how advertisers are dipping their toes or, in some cases, plunging headfirst into the pool of video advertising. Still, one thing is for sure: more advertisers are investing in video and, as such, are coming across platforms that offer them the choice of skippable or non-skippable.

So, in 2023 what’s the correct answer, and is our advice twelve months past still relevant? Let’s dive in.

Video Consumption in 2023

A year later, consumers continue hitting play on their favorite video content. Video consumption is at an all-time high and is the most popular media format in the US. Here are a few stats showcasing just how powerful video consumption is in 2023:

  • The average consumer watches 18 hours of video weekly, about 2.5 hours per day. That is 2 hours a week than a year ago and 7.5 hours more than the last three years. (Source: Wyzowl)
  • 72% of consumers prefer videos to learn about products or services. (Soure: YouGovAmerica)
  • 82% of Global Internet Traffic in 2022 Came From Video. (Source: Cisco)
  • More than 75% of video viewing happens on mobile. (Source: eMarketer)
  • Video is the number 1 source of information for 66% of people. (Source: TechJury)

So, in an environment where video reigns supreme, the question of which ad format is best – skippable or non-skippable – remains relevant, if not even more critical, to ensure advertisers get the biggest bang for their buck.

Revisiting Digilant’s Tips for Using Non-Skippable Ads

In our 2022 blog post, we offered the following four questions and answers to help advertisers determine whether non-skippable ads are the right choice:

1. Is there an emotional element involved?

2. Does the ad format match your goal?

3. Are you only looking at the completion rate?

4. Do you have a strong digital strategy?

Below we’ll outline each to uncover if our advice remains true today.

1. Is there an emotional element involved?

2022: Answer in Summary

Consumers will remember how you made them feel rather than what you said. So, if you opt for a non-skippable ad, make sure it’s memorable.

2023: Revisit

While the above reigns true, it’s safe to double down on the importance of this tip. As the amount of time spent in front of a screen and consuming media increases, so does the number of ads consumers see. The average consumer sees anywhere from 4,000-10,000 ads every day. As such, they are increasingly talented at tuning out boring or irrelevant ads.

In short, advertisers must compete with fellow advertisers for consumers’ attention. Proper targeting to reach your specific audience is a huge help to ensure a consumer is interested in seeing your ad, but we’ll touch more on that later. When creating your ads, finding ways to stand out from the crowd is imperative. This can be done in one of two ways:

  1. Unique creative message or imagery. While this may be easier said than done, with a skilled team of creative experts, hitting the mark with the proper tone, message, or imagery can captivate your audience.
  2. Unique creative formats: If you don’t have a punchy or creative brand but still want a unique ad experience, consider special creative formats within video ad buys to stand out. Thanks to technological improvements, advertisers have many innovative ad formats and techniques that will help catch consumers’ eyes. Consider one of the following unique formats:
    • High Impact Units: Through our partnerships, we can leverage custom units across CTV to allow your target audience to interact with your brand. Sample Units: Quiz, Branded Skin, 3D tour
    • QR Code: Consider adding a QR code to your CTV creative to allow users to drive action, such as signing up for your newsletter, filling out a form, or sending them to a map to find the nearest store.

2. Does the ad format match your goal?

2022: Answer, in Summary

Skippable ads may be the best investment if you’re looking to drive conversions. Non-skippable ads are better used to boost credibility, brand awareness, or product awareness, not encourage click-throughs.

2023: Revisit

Our advice stands. When brainstorming and creating video ads, always remember your goal. Clicks and completes have an inverse relationship: a person who clicks on the video isn’t going to watch it all the way through, and a person who does watch it through likely won’t be able to click on it.

3. Are you only looking at the completion rate?

2022: Answer, in Summary

Remember, A high completion rate does not necessarily equal a successful campaign. Campaigns must be measured by their overall value to the entire marketing strategy, not by their completion rate.

2023: Revisit

Again, this tip remains relevant for 2023 consumer and advertising goals.

Additionally, as the time consumers spend consuming video content increases, remember the different devices they may be watching on and how that affects the action they take when watching your ad. For example, if they are watching social videos on their phone, they are more likely to click through your ad to learn more, whereas if they are watching on their TV, they’ll likely just watch through.

While most advertisers invest in blended buys across devices, these tips are essential to remember as you strategize different formats and messaging based on your ad’s placement.

4. Do you have a strong digital strategy?

2022: Answer, in Summary

No matter your choice, your ad is more likely to be viewed, engaged with, clicked on, or whatever other goals you have if you have proper audience targeting in place. Consider how you can use contextual targeting and sequential messaging to drive home your brand messaging.

2023: Revisit

More valid words have never been said. In all sincerity, it is essential to have proper targeting in place because, as mentioned above, consumers are savvier than ever. This means they will only pay attention when an ad is relevant or interesting. Selecting a precise cross-channel mix of targeting and retargeting tactics will ensure you’re reaching your audience where they are in their customer journey. Learn more about specific targeting tactics to implement here.

The Time to Invest in Video is Now

No matter your choice – skippable or non-skippable – advertisers should start putting some of their budgets toward video content. After all, that’s where the consumers are spending time.

Digilant offers a robust Advanced TV solution spanning nearly every device or platform consumers watch. Are you interested in learning more or reviewing video-centric solutions based on your target audience and goals? We’re eager to build you a plan. Contact us here.

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