Mastering Mobile Marketing Analytics

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Our digital world is more connected than ever. As mobile apps utilize geolocation services to guide local business locations, cross-channel social media strategies inspire real-time product reviews. Multimedia-based posts today can determine a marketing campaign’s bottom line. Likewise, e-commerce sales can be influenced by user reviews alone.

Because we have so much mobile-bound data to work with, it can be tough to identify the most relevant. Mobile marketing analytics is never an easy task, especially when digital trends change constantly. So, how can we set proper goals?

We’re in luck, as some mobile data analysis approaches prove to have long-lasting potential. Even though plenty of strategies exist, some can circumnavigate app stores’ tricky waters, mobile search, and even geolocation services. The metrics listed below are your best bet—and they’re entirely targetable with the help of a specialized service provider at your side.

Metric One: App Store Ranking

The most effective digital marketing campaigns utilize mobile apps to inspire, convert, and empower their audiences. Even though the Apple and Google Play app stores are packed with apps, it’s still possible to boost your own visibility. About five years ago, mobile users simply downloaded apps based on search results. Today, app store rankings themselves determine downloads.

To optimize your app’s downloads, you’ll need to efficiently apply your app’s keyword-based description—as well as its title. Achieving top rank, of course, requires constant, top-rank performance. Between marketing your app, rolling out updates, and optimizing its UI, seeking assistance is the best way to balance your keyword power.

After all, Cost Per Acquisition, or CPA, requires a specialized approach to effectively convert mobile users. Specialized, third-party help is pursued by most app creators for this reason, as they’re capable of enabling your tech infrastructure growth efforts while handling keyword utilization, feedback analysis and highly intuitive download insights.

The great thing about app store rankings is their compounding nature: If your app reaches the top rank, its visibility alone can accrue mass conversions. Even so, the process does require constant analysis and fine-tuning. However, in time, your team’s mobile presence can become the most definitive—spotlighting your brand’s best features across multiple app store stages.

Metric Two: Mobile-Based AOV

AOV, or Average Order Value, measures your mobile shoppers’ purchases based on mobile usage. While mobile-based AOV is normally applied to app-based purchases, it’s also applicable to mobile search, mobile landing pages, and even cross-channel strategies grounded in brick-and-mortar locations.

There are many AOV variables, of course, and it can be tough to improve your brand’s offers based on seemingly unpredictable factors—such as last-minute purchases. Fortunately, the brand decision-makers of today have found ways to leverage these variables with powerful incentives. Strategies like last-minute promotions, for example, are known to have incredibly high conversion rates when applied correctly. Meanwhile, discount codes, coupons, and on-location mobile check-ins can bring a mobile marketer’s strategy to new heights.

Much like your app store ranking, however, it’s optimal to take a ‘divide and conquer’ approach alongside professional providers: As your team focuses on engagement and creative promotions, your partner can supply the mobile marketing analytics to drive them.

Metric Three: Ad Spend Return

While CPI, or Cost Per Install, is a leading mobile metric to consider, your mobile strategy’s return on ad spend shouldn’t be ignored. CPI is driven by your overall advertising costs related to their resulting installs. As such, knowing the efficiency of your ad spend is a great way to master your mobile marketing campaign.

This is why a lot of mobile app marketers have shifted towards ad network analysis, in general. By defining exact values from ad-generated installs, one can expand their ad reach. As a rule of thumb, the ad spend first approach does require a lot of attention. Not only are there major networks to choose from—such as Bing and Google—but there are numerous, smaller networks to consider, too.

Today, hundreds of ad networks span across geo-local networks, programmatic networks, affiliate networks, and more. Each network specializes in different consumer segments, and your own consumer segments will likely shift between them. Here, effective mobile marketing analytics strategies are possible when opportunity costs are the focus. With this in mind, opportunity costs shouldn’t be analyzed alone—despite appearing easy to tackle.

Instead, it’s best to direct your team’s efforts toward optimizing your ad-based revenue on a user-to-user basis. This can undoubtedly be a little intimidating to approach, of course—and even more intimidating to persist with. To effectively anticipate your strategy’s overall CPI, it’s best to team up with providers focused on ad spend analysis.

Mobile Marketing Success: Quality over Quantity

Whether you’re rolling out a new app, focusing on mobile social media promotions or creating new paths to an online storefront, the best approach will always be one that prioritizes the consumer’s time. Today’s mobile users are exposed to thousands of mobile ads per day. They’re also a highly active mobile messaging bunch. In a digital world packed with mobile content volume, adding to the overall ‘information overload’ pool tends to weaken even the most high-quality mobile campaigns.

To deliver value-packed, mobile-based discounts, insights, content, and in-store offers, by and large, is to align your brand with success. Providers like Digilant have pioneered the top strategies to achieve these goals, optimizing the modern mobile marketer’s strategy with instant insights derived from the digital world’s most valuable data. To communicate with your mobile customers, you’ll need to break through the clutter. To break through the clutter, you’ll need to foster long-lasting relationships with your mobile fanbase.

Check out the great options today’s specialists have in mind and craft your next campaign with the mobile marketing analytics tools honed for success. Digilant is here to help, empowering your strategy from the ground up. Contact us today.

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