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Four Data-Driven Steps to Transform Your Marketing Analytics

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As marketers, we have an excess of tools available to track, store, and utilize data points throughout our marketing strategy. As of 2020, though, only about half of marketers were using digital marketing analytics services. But, of this same group, “marketing analytics and competitive insights” was voted the most critical factor in supporting their marketing strategies over the last 18 months.

From this data, it seems like we might be in a situation where marketers understand the importance of data analytics but don’t know where or don’t have the resources to get started. So, if you’re interested in how you can better incorporate digital marketing analytics services into your marketing campaigns, it begins with changing your mindset on data and data implementation. Below we’ve outlined a four-step process to ensure you acquire and utilize data analytics to its maximum potential.

Step One: Evaluate Your Data

Before we start any conversations about incorporating digital marketing analytics into marketing campaigns, it’s essential to stress that data for data’s sake is no longer the answer. Yes, we have all the data we could ever want at our fingertips. But, if this data isn’t working to improve your overall marketing strategy, it’s just a collection of numbers.

Data has the power to transform campaigns, uncover new audiences, prevent wasted media spend, and so much more. Ensure the data you collect, use, analyze, and incorporate is bringing value to your campaign strategy. Now, ask yourself, how am I using this data to better my marketing strategy? If you don’t have a good answer to that question, it might be time to rethink what data you are using.

Step Two: Contextualize Your Data

Data on its own is just a list or spreadsheet of numbers. But the key to building an effective bridge between marketing and analytics (and in turn, stronger digital marketing campaigns) is to paint a picture of what this data means for your overall strategy.

You can look at a 1.3% click-through rate and deem the campaign a success. But, what is that number saying about the consumer? What can you learn about your consumers from the numbers? Take some time to analyze. Look for patterns over the last few weeks, months, or quarters. Are there times when consumers are more or less engaged with your brand? Which tactics are lending themselves toward more successful results and supporting your KPIs? As you answer more questions such as this, a story begins to emerge. This story gives you much more insight into your consumers than merely a number.

Step Three: Follow the Data

Through this data analysis, you will most likely begin to see patterns emerge. Maybe you ran a social media campaign that led to an 8% increase in sales. Without throwing all of your eggs in one basket, lean into this tactic and continue to work on building data surrounding your paid social media campaign in this example. Test different creative formats offer various incentives. You know, from the data, that this channel is working. Now, use this data to figure out what aspects of these ads are yielding positive results.

You only realize the actual value of data as you implement findings into your future campaigns. Not only can you continue to build this channel, but you can take advantage of the learnings you gain and utilize similar tactics across other media and campaigns.

Step Four: Drive Decisions with Data

You’ve probably been in a position where you’re asked to create a year-end report. You’re pulling various data sources to showcase success stories from the year. In almost any situation, you can find the data to back up your story. But when you start incorporating digital marketing analytics services into your marketing campaigns, you’ll switch your mindset from backing your story up with data, to making decisions backed by data.

Finding Digital Marketing Analytics Services that Support Your Brand

As you begin to think more about bridging the gap between your data analytics and digital marketing, you may realize that you don’t have the internal resources for this task. A digital marketing partner with analytics solutions can help.

Digital marketing companies have the internal tools and personnel to create analytic reports that support the data-driven mindset outlined in steps one-four. They will be able to track and organize the data from all of your campaigns in one simple, organized location. Data analytics experts will then analyze this information to ensure your campaigns are running to their optimal capacity and provide strategic recommendations for future campaigns.

Digilant’s Digital Marketing Analytics Services

Digilant’s analytics services use over 140 connectors to quickly integrate advertising, media, social, e-commerce, and website platforms so you can visualize and report performance, all in one place. We understand that no two brands have the same digital advertising strategies and goals, so we offer custom-built dashboards to meet your needs.

We offer real-time reporting and access to your dashboard 24/7, which allows for a holistic, automated view of your digital marketing performance. Automated reports enable our team to pivot your media dollars to ensure success. Are you interested in learning more about incorporating Digilant’s digital marketing analytics services into your marketing campaigns? Let’s talk.

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