Asterisk Issue: 004

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Welcome to this week’s Asterisk, where we dive into the key stories impacting advertisers. From bugs disrupting Meta’s ad tools to the wrap-up of Google’s antitrust trial, here’s what you need to know.

Meta’s Platform Bugs Cause Major Losses for Advertisers

Meta’s advertising tools have been experiencing frequent bugs, leading to significant financial losses for brands. According to several media buyers, these disruptions are pushing them to avoid using Meta’s AI-powered ad tools altogether. While Meta claims these issues are under control, advertisers continue to report inadequate support from the platform.

Why It Matters for Advertisers

If your brand relies heavily on Meta’s ad tools, these bugs could be costing you more than just ad spend—they may be impacting campaign performance and ROI. As Meta’s support remains inconsistent, advertisers should diversify their ad strategies across multiple platforms to mitigate risks and maintain control over their budgets.

Google’s Antitrust Trial Wraps Up: What’s Next?

The Google ad tech antitrust trial concluded earlier than expected, with closing arguments scheduled for late November and a ruling expected in early 2024. Google defended its position by arguing that it doesn’t monopolize the digital ad market, claiming that many ad sales bypass their exchange entirely. However, an appeal is highly likely, with further legal scrutiny expected next year.

Why It Matters for Advertisers:

The outcome of Google’s trial could reshape the digital ad landscape. Advertisers should stay informed about regulatory changes that may impact their partnerships with Google and other major platforms. This is especially important as further scrutiny on Google’s dominance in the ad market could lead to shifts in how digital ads are bought and sold.

Programmatic Chaos: Bidstream Congestion and Duplication Issues

In the programmatic advertising world, bid duplication is on the rise, causing significant congestion in the bidstream. Publishers initiate up to 30 million ad auctions per second, but DSPs can only handle a fraction of these, leading to inefficiencies. Experts suggest moving toward fewer, broader SSP integrations (also known as “fat pipes”) to streamline the process and reduce wasted ad spend.

Why It Matters for Advertisers:

Bidstream congestion and inefficiencies can lead to higher costs and lower returns. Brands working with DSPs should ensure they’re partnering with platforms that prioritize streamlined SSP integrations to maximize efficiency and get more value from their programmatic buys.

Key Takeaways for Advertisers

This week’s updates emphasize the importance of staying agile in an ever-evolving digital advertising landscape. Whether you’re dealing with technical bugs, navigating legal uncertainties, or fine-tuning your programmatic strategy, here’s what to keep in mind:

  • Diversify your platforms: With Meta’s ongoing ad tool issues, now is a good time to explore other platforms to ensure your campaigns aren’t negatively impacted.
  • Stay informed on legal changes: Google’s antitrust case could lead to changes in how digital ads are bought and sold. Keeping up with these developments will help you adapt more quickly to any regulatory changes.
  • Optimize your programmatic strategy: Bidstream congestion is causing inefficiencies. Work with DSPs that are integrating broader SSPs to ensure you’re getting the most out of your ad spend.

As always, the ad industry is constantly changing. Stay tuned for next week’s roundup as we continue to track these developments and more!

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