Beyond Traditional Media: Innovative Channels to Engage 2024 Voters

In part one of our series helping political advertisers navigate the 2024 election season, “Capturing Voter Attention in a Digital World,” we unpacked the transition from traditional to digital platforms, highlighting how political campaigns are evolving to meet voters in the digital realm. This digital shift is crucial as media consumption habits rapidly change, demanding political advertisers to adapt and engage with voters where they spend their time: online. Our initial discussion laid the groundwork for understanding this shift, paving the way for a deeper exploration into the alternative digital channels that are reshaping political engagement.

Digital channels and platforms are pivotal in modern political advertising, offering unique advantages that can amplify a campaign’s reach and impact. Continue reading as we explore how four of these channels serve as vital tools for connecting with the electorate.

Download our eBook, “Beyond Linear TV: A Political Advertiser’s Guide to Reaching Voters in 2024,” for a comprehensive overview of the 2024 voter landscape and key channels advertisers can use to better reach voters.

The Future of Engagement: 4 Digital Channels Redefining Political Advertising

Advanced TV: The Connection to Cord-Cutters

With 53% of U.S. TV households having “cut the cord,” the opportunity to reach voters through streaming services becomes increasingly valuable. Advanced TV’s data-driven approach allows for segmentation based on diverse factors, making it possible to deliver relevant and engaging messages directly to the intended audience. This targeted capability ensures that political messages resonate more deeply, leveraging viewer data to tailor content that aligns with individual preferences and interests.

Digital Out of Home (DOOH): Visibility Meets Versatility

Digital Out of Home (DOOH) combines the impact of traditional billboards with the agility of digital technology, offering dynamic advertising in strategic locations. This medium not only captures the attention of 83% of consumers but also allows for real-time updates and targeted messaging, making it exceptionally suited for localized and timely campaign messages. DOOH’s ability to reach voters in public spaces, from bustling city centers to busy transit hubs, underscores its importance in a comprehensive digital strategy, providing a bridge between the digital and physical worlds where engagement can be both broad and highly focused.

Social Media: The Interactive Frontier of Political Discourse

The landscape of social media in political advertising has witnessed transformative changes, particularly in how ads are permitted and regulated on these platforms. Recognizing the immense potential of social media to reach voters, platforms such as Meta and X (formerly Twitter) have revisited and revised their policies on political advertisements. This shift comes with a renewed focus on brand safety measures, ensuring that political campaigns can leverage these platforms’ extensive networks while adhering to stringent guidelines designed to maintain a safe and trustworthy environment for users.

With platforms like Meta hosting 127.2 million monthly active users on Instagram and 243.5 million on Facebook in the U.S., the reach and targeting capabilities of social media are unparalleled. This channel allows for real-time communication, fostering a dialogue that can transform passive viewers into active participants in the political process. The interactive nature of social media, combined with its extensive reach, makes it an essential tool for political campaigns aiming to engage with a diverse and dynamic electorate.

The Power of Digital Audio: Connecting Through Sound

Digital Audio has woven itself into the fabric of daily life, with Americans spending an average of 88 minutes per day engaged with music streaming services. This channel offers a unique blend of intimacy and personalization, providing a direct line to voters’ ears. The personal connection forged through audio consumption enhances the impact of political messages, allowing campaigns to seamlessly integrate their narratives into content that voters are passionate about. Whether through podcasts that offer contextually relevant ad placements or music streaming platforms that offer targeted advertising, digital audio stands out for its ability to engage listeners in a deeply personal space.

The Digital Path Forward for Political Advertisers

It’s clear: the future of consumer consumption is digital; therefore, the future of voter engagement lies in leveraging the unique strengths of digital platforms. From the precision targeting of advanced TV to the immersive experience of digital audio, the dynamic reach of DOOH, and the vast networks of social media, the opportunities for connecting with voters are both diverse and powerful. By understanding and utilizing these channels, political campaigns can craft nuanced, impactful strategies that meet voters where they are: online.

If you haven’t already, download a copy of our full guide “Beyond Linear TV: A Political Advertiser’s Guide to Reaching Voters in 2024.” And, stay tuned for our next blog post will delve into an equally critical aspect of digital political advertising: brand safety. As campaigns navigate the digital landscape, ensuring that their messages are conveyed in environments that align with their values and uphold the integrity of their messaging is paramount.

Embracing Disruptive Tech: Insights for Marketers from CES

The Consumer Electronics Show (CES) brings together professionals from various industries to gain insights into the rapidly evolving world of consumer electronics. As these technologies revolutionize consumer behavior, marketers and advertisers must adapt in step. During the conference, industry leaders shared their strategies for leveraging disruptive technologies to enhance customer journeys and create top-tier advertising experiences.

Wesley Farris, VP of Platform Partnerships at Digilant, attended the conference and recently sat down with us to provide his key takeaways from the event. Let’s dive in. 


The Demand for Supply-Side Transparency and Premium Curation

Throughout the conference, there was an emphasis on the growing need to refine the sell-side process of digital advertising. As key industry players prioritize ways to make media buying more direct, transparent, and higher quality, there’s a call to eliminate the number of parties involved in media buys. This is shaking out in a few different scenarios. 

First, to eliminate some of the hoops media buyers currently jump through, supply-side platforms (SSPs) are prioritizing the integration of buy-side technologies. 

For leading SSPs such as FreeWheel and Magnite, one of their focuses is on supply path optimization (SPO). SPO creates a more efficient process of media buying, reducing complicated paths to supply and providing advertisers with more transparency in their ad placements and overall spend. 

Additionally, many SSPs are actively seeking more ways to leverage top-tier data companies and first party publisher data (that the SSPs have access to) that enable enhanced targeting and measurement capabilities. OpenX, for instance, has layered Oracle data in its platform, providing media buyers with high-quality data alongside a direct path to transparent inventory.

How SPO Benefits Advertisers 

A key focus on transparency and optimization always nets a better experience for both brands and consumers. These shifts specifically provide advertisers with the following benefits and improvements in the ad-buying experience.

  • Transparency in Ad Placements: Enhanced ad transparency helps advertisers understand how their spend is utilized and further evaluate the quality of their ad placement. Transparency is crucial to avoiding ad fraud and ensuring that ads are not placed on inappropriate or irrelevant sites.
  • Access to Premium Inventory: With a deeper focus on curation, advertisers can gain access to premium ad inventory that might not be available through other channels. This allows for more strategic ad placements in high-quality environments.
  •  Improved Ad Performance and ROI: Supply-side optimization and data integrations use algorithms and analytics to place ads more effectively, ensuring that they reach the right audience at the right time. This increases the likelihood of user engagement and conversion, leading to better returns on investment (ROI).

Data-driven customer experiences sit center stage as advertisers work to create both privacy-compliant and targeted experiences for shoppers. The new changes and partnerships outlined above pave the way for advertisers to have more control over data and its implementation to create optimal media buys. 


Connected TV (CTV) Takes Center Stage in a Cookieless Landscape

CTV (Connected TV) has been a major focus in the industry for several years, particularly as many consumers have shifted from cable subscriptions to streaming services. However, a key aspect of CTV’s appeal, especially highlighted during CES, lies in its inherently cookieless environment. This becomes increasingly relevant in light of Google’s phasing out of third-party cookies.

CTV users are authenticated when logging into either their device or a streaming platform. This authentication opens up several opportunities for advertisers, including access to enhanced targeting capabilities, the use of first-party data within various platforms and devices, and improved measurement solutions. Throughout the conference, we gathered three especially notable CTV developments that can help give advertisers the upper hand as they explore this cookie-free medium.


Rise of FAST channels

Free ad-supported streaming TV (FAST) represents a significant segment of authenticated viewership. Platforms such as Pluto and Tubi are gaining traction due to their broad audience reach and robust measurement capabilities. Considering the high penetration of smart TVs in U.S. households, 77% to be exact, advertisers shouldn’t ignore the power and reach available through FAST channels.

Digital audio advertising via smart TVs

Recent insights from CES indicate a substantial proportion of consumers using smart TVs exclusively for audio streaming. This trend highlights the growing interconnectedness of the digital ecosystem across different devices and platforms. For advertisers without video assets, digital audio advertising presents a compelling way to reach CTV users.

The shift of live sports to digital platforms

Live sports are progressively moving away from traditional cable to digital platforms. While broadcast TV was previously the golden channel for advertising during sports events, changing consumer habits are altering this landscape. Amazon Prime, for example, is now the exclusive broadcaster of Thursday Night Football, bringing football fans to their platform in order to tune in. Advertisers need to adapt to these changes by preparing for digital ad placements to effectively target and engage sports fans.


Embracing Digital Advertising’s Evolving Landscape

Insights from CES emphasize the need for advertisers’ adaptability in the dynamic digital landscape. A focus on supply curation, transparency, data-driven strategies, and the rise of CTV all underscore the importance of harnessing new technologies and platforms to create optimal campaign impact and stay ahead.

7 Essential Metrics for Brand Health Tracking

While brand health and market value are differing concepts, their connection is undeniable. Studies show that businesses with robust brand health are likely to outperform their competitors in revenue growth by 60%. In our ever-changing business landscape, a healthy brand is vital for enduring success.

So, how do you gauge the health of your brand? As mentioned in our blog post, Brand Health Tracking: Measure How Your Brand Stacks Up in the Market, brand health doesn’t have a universal definition or a one-size-fits-all measurement strategy. It’s about identifying factors that shape consumer perceptions of your products, services, and overall reputation.

7 Key Indicators to Track for Optimal Brand Health

Let’s dive into seven essential metrics that offer a starting point for evaluating your brand’s health in the marketplace.

1.Share of Voice (SOV)

Share of voice is a good first step to give advertisers a pulse on their brand’s presence and impact. It measures the percentage of content space or advertising that your brand occupies in the market overall. Simply put a brand’s organic digital footprint. 

However, SOV isn’t solely a calculation of whether your voice is present in the market, it showcases if your voice is heard by consumers. As consumers are bombarded with digital noise, brands with a higher SOV are more likely to capture coveted consumer attention. Research indicates that brands with a dominant share of voice have a 23% higher likelihood of being recommended by consumers. 

2. Category Funnel

The Category Funnel serves as a comprehensive tool for understanding a brand’s strengths and weaknesses at various stages of the customer’s buying journey. This journey typically encompasses several key stages: Awareness, Consideration, Preference, Purchase, and Loyalty.

By analyzing performance at each stage, brands can identify specific areas for improvement, whether it’s enhancing brand awareness, improving product positioning, or bolstering customer loyalty programs. This comprehensive approach to tracking the customer’s journey offers actionable insights, enabling brands to fine-tune their strategies and ultimately influence consumer decision-making more effectively.

3. Category Entry Points (CEPs)

Category Entry Points are the reasons, triggers, moments, or occasions when a potential customer considers buying a product in your category. These are the moments when someone is most receptive to your brand. Aligning marketing strategies and efforts with CEPs ensures your brand is top-of-mind when consumers are ready to make a purchase. 

4. Competitive Market Position

No brand lives in isolation, which makes it essential to look externally at how other brands are performing in the market—and  how you stack up. Analyzing competitor strategies, strengths, and weaknesses with propel ideas that help differentiate your brand, strengthen your agility in response to market dynamics, and foster brand resilience. When analyzing the competitor landscape, it is essential to identify both direct and indirect competitors.

Direct competitors

These are companies that offer similar products and services. For example, a direct competitor of JetBlue would be other popular airlines in the United States such as American, United, and Alaska Airlines. 

Indirect competitors 

Companies that address the same customer needs but with different offerings are indirect competitors. In our example, indirect competitors of JetBlue would be Amtrak or Carnival Cruises. 

5. Market Penetration & Strategic Opportunities

Deepening market penetration and recognizing strategic opportunities are pivotal for brands aiming to maximize their impact within their sector. Keeping a close eye on broad market trends and competitor movements is crucial for anticipating shifts in consumer behavior, enabling brands to adapt and innovate proactively. 

Consider the ongoing emphasis on sustainability, a trend that cuts across all industries. Brands that successfully integrate eco-friendly practices and effectively communicate their commitment to sustainability are more likely to resonate with environmentally conscious consumers. 

By conducting routine market analyses, brands can stay ahead of the curve, positioning themselves to make strategic decisions that align with evolving consumer preferences. This approach not only enhances the brand’s relevance but also uncovers potential avenues for growth and increased market presence, ensuring they fully exploit the opportunities within their marketplace.

6. Brand Strength Assessment

Brand strength encompasses the positive attributes, unique selling points, and competitive advantages that define your brand in the eyes of customers. It is a vital metric to gauge how well your brand is positioned in the competitive market.

One simple, yet effective approach for this assessment is a SWOT analysis (Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, and Threats). This analysis draws insights from customer surveys, feedback analysis, and social media sentiment to provide honest and actionable data for brands. With these insights, brands can identify and amplify their strengths while addressing weaknesses, a fundamental practice for building a resilient brand capable of withstanding the tests of time.

7. Seasonality and Year over Year (YoY) Analysis

In various industries, businesses often witness fluctuating levels of customer engagement and demand throughout the calendar year. These fluctuations are crucial for understanding market dynamics. Utilizing SOV in YoY comparisons is a strategic approach to precisely identify these trends. This analytical method helps businesses pinpoint when customer engagement reaches its peak and when it declines, offering valuable insights for performance assessment.

For example, a retailer may use YoY comparisons to discern heightened customer interest during holiday seasons, reflected in increased SOV during these months. Similarly, a tourism-related business might notice a surge in engagement during summer and a decline in winter, highlighting key periods for targeted marketing efforts. These insights are vital for crafting marketing strategies that resonate with seasonal trends.

By understanding the rhythm of these fluctuations, businesses can tailor their marketing strategies more effectively. Aligning promotional activities with peak engagement periods ensures optimal resource utilization, enhancing the impact of marketing efforts. Conversely, identifying slower periods allows for strategic planning and resource conservation, maintaining a steady presence in the market. This nuanced approach, informed by YoY SOV analysis, is critical for businesses aiming to stay competitive and responsive to market dynamics, ultimately driving growth and success in their respective sectors.

Putting It All Together: The Road to a Healthier Brand

Maintaining brand health is a dynamic and multifaceted endeavor. From monitoring Share of Voice and Share of Search to understanding Category Entry Points, staying vigilant about competitors, and adapting to market trends, each aspect contributes to the overall vitality of your brand. By regularly assessing and fine-tuning these elements, your brand not only survives but thrives in the competitive landscape, forging lasting connections with consumers and ensuring long-term success. 

The Shift to Screens: Capturing Voter Attention in a Digital World

In an era where digital transformation dictates where and how we consume content, the political advertising landscape needs a significant shift. Despite projections indicating a surge in political ad spend, with estimates ranging between $10 billion and $12 billion, a significant portion remains anchored in traditional channels. A startling 75% of these budgets, or between $7.5 to $9 billion, are still being spent on traditional broadcast and cable TV ad buys. This strategy persists even as media consumption habits have significantly evolved. At this point, more than 53% of U.S. TV households have cut the cord on cable or never had a cable subscription to begin with, with that number only projected to continue to rise.

The demographic landscape of media consumption underscores the necessity of rethinking how and where to allocate advertising budgets to effectively connect with voters. With the 2024 elections around the corner, we’re helping advertisers navigate this evolving landscape. Over this blog post series, we’ll outline the pertinent shifts in voter behavior toward digital channels, identify better budget allocations to make an impact in 2024 and offer practical tips to remain brand-safe through it all. Up first, let’s dive into those drastic shifts toward digital channels.

Download our eBook, “Beyond Linear TV: A Political Advertiser’s Guide to Reaching Voters in 2024,” for a comprehensive overview of the 2024 voter landscape and key channels advertisers can use to better reach voters.

The Digital Habits of  Voters in 2024

As mentioned, the shift towards digital channels is unmistakable. In 2023, the average U.S. consumer spent 268 minutes with traditional channels compared to 466 minutes with digital channels. While media consumption varies from generation to generation, it is clear that people across the board are allocating significant portions of their day to digital channels like:

  • Advanced TV: 83.5 minutes per day across all demographics
  • Music streaming: 88 minutes per day across all demographics
  • Social media: 139.5 minutes per day across all demographics

As these channels become a larger part of daily media consumption, they present a unique opportunity for engaging with voters across various demographics.  Here’s a closer look at where voters are spending their time online.

Advanced TV: A New Leader in Screen Time

In a historic shift, 2024 marks the year advanced TV consumption (2 hours 53 minutes daily) edges past traditional TV viewing (2 hours 48 minutes daily) for the first time. This pivotal change underscores the importance of Advanced TV in the modern voter’s daily routine, highlighting the platform’s dominance in home entertainment and its potential for targeted political messaging.

Mobile: The Digital Gateway

Mobile devices have become the central hub for digital consumption, accounting for over half of all digital media interactions. By 2024, Americans are projected to spend 279 minutes daily on non-voice mobile activities, emphasizing the necessity for mobile-optimized political content to effectively reach and engage voters.

Digital Audio: The Sound of Influence

Digital audio emerges as a significant component of digital media, with individuals dedicating 1 hour 45 minutes to the medium in 2024, making up 20% of all digital consumption. Its impact is particularly pronounced among the 18-35 age group, where 50% report consuming podcasts weekly—nearly matching TV viewership at 54%. This trend points to digital audio’s compelling role in connecting with younger voters, offering a dynamic channel for political discourse.

Social Media: The Cross-Generational Connector

While the landscape of political advertising on social platforms varies. (more on that in our next blog post), their influence in driving digital media adoption is undeniable. Social media usage spans generations, with 58% of those 65+ using Facebook, 67% of those 50-64, 65% of those 30-49 engaging with Instagram, and 65% of the 18-29 demographic active on Snapchat. TikTok, in particular, showcases remarkable growth among younger users, averaging 53.8 minutes of engagement per day, the highest among social apps, followed by X (formerly Twitter) at 34.1 minutes. This widespread adoption across demographics underscores social media’s critical role in shaping political narratives and engaging with the electorate.

Embracing a Digital-First Strategy

As the landscape of political advertising undergoes these significant changes, the urgency for adopting a digital strategy becomes paramount. Understanding and adapting to the digital habits of 2024’s voters ensures that political messages are not just seen but felt in an increasingly crowded digital space.

Discover more insights and strategies for the 2024 elections by downloading our comprehensive guide today. Grab your copy here. Stay tuned for the next part of our series, where we’ll delve deeper into tangible tactics political advertisers can employ across these channels to ensure political messages resonate in the digital age.

NRF Retail’s Big Show 2024: How Technology is Redefining Retail and Advertising

Earlier this month, the National Retail Federation (NRF) hosted its annual “Retail’s Big Show” in New York City. Drawing professionals from across the retail sector, panels and conversations focused on innovative solutions, the changing retail landscape, and key themes poised to shape the future of retail. Amidst a wealth of insights, one message resonated clearly: we are at a tipping point where technology’s role in retail is not just transformative but foundational for success.

Embracing Technology: A Strategy for Success

The Tractor Supply Company (TSC), once a simple catalog retailer for tractor parts, now stands as a testament to strategic technology investment. CEO Hal Lawton attributes their remarkable revenue growth over five years to “…pick[ing] the right thing to invest in, in a stepwise fashion.” With smart cameras in parking lots and checkout lines to monitor customer behavior and optimize team member responses, the company exemplifies how technology can streamline operations and, more crucially, prioritize the customer experience. 

Ulta Beauty, although operating in a vastly different retail domain, shares this focus. They’ve zeroed in on gathering customer insight and data, funneling an impressive 95% of sales through their loyalty program. This data isn’t just information; it’s the blueprint Ulta uses to tailor and enhance the customer journey. Their strategic investments in technology, particularly their app, are direct responses to the insights gained from the loyalty program. 

As customers interact with the app’s innovative features like virtual try-ons and skin diagnosis, not only does their shopping experience become more personalized and engaging, but each interaction also feeds back into the loyalty program. This seamless integration ensures that every purchase, every preference, and every piece of feedback captured through the app enriches Ulta’s understanding of its customers. The result? A self-reinforcing loop where technology improvements are continuously informed by customer behavior, leading to ever-enhancing customer experiences and, in turn, driving loyalty and sales. 

Technology and Advertising: A Symbiotic Relationship

For advertisers, the rise of technology in the retail sector is not just a trend—it’s a transformation. During the conference, BJ’s Wholesale Club and FedEx spoke on how leveraging technology, especially AI, has helped them deeply personalize the consumer journey. 

BJ’s employs AI not just to target, but to tailor communication, ensuring that every ad is specifically crafted to an individual’s needs and preferences. This approach transforms generic advertising into a personalized dialogue with each customer.

Similarly, FedEx’s adoption of predictive technologies revolutionizes customer service. By proactively providing delivery updates based on predictive analysis, FedEx sets a new standard in customer communication. This not only enhances the customer experience but also builds brand trust and loyalty.

These examples underscore the evolving role of technology in advertising: it’s not just about reaching customers, but about understanding and engaging them in a way that’s both proactive and deeply personal.

Technology as the Cornerstone of Customer Service

The key takeaway from “Retail’s Big Show” is clear: the future of modern retail belongs to those who leverage technology to understand, engage, and delight the consumer. Companies like Tractor Supply Company and Ulta Beauty are not just surviving but thriving by recognizing and responding to this shift.

To summarize our learning from the conference, we echo the sentiments of TSC’s Hal Lawton: “In today’s world, where many times you feel like retail is going the opposite of customer service, we want to make sure we’re doubling down on customer service.” In essence, the heart of retail remains unchanged; it’s about creating an exceptional customer experience. What has changed, however, is the how. In this digital era, technology is the new cornerstone of an exceptional customer experience, and embracing it is not just an option but a necessity for success.

Charting New Norms: March Madness Marketing in a Cookie-Free Era

In our previous March Madness posts, we’ve empowered advertisers with insightful strategies to navigate the evolving dynamics of the tournament, spotlighting key advertising channels and innovative creative formats. This year’s tournament coincides with a crucial moment in digital advertising, as Google begins the phase-out of third-party cookies, signaling a major industry shift.

The transition to a post-cookie era necessitates a new playbook for advertisers, especially during high-stakes events like March Madness. This change calls for innovative targeting methods that extend beyond the traditional reliance on third-party cookies. 

3 Targeting Tactics to Harness in a Cookie-Free Landscape

Let’s explore three strategies, each offering unique ways to effectively and meaningfully connect your brand with the March Madness audience.

1. Automatic Content Recognition (ACR)

Leverage user preferences by targeting audiences based on their viewing habits, such as fans of specific March Madness games from 2023, real-time game viewers, or devoted sports enthusiasts. ACR facilitates precise segmentation at the game or network level, ensuring your brand resonates perfectly with the preferences of March Madness aficionados.

2. Retail Media Networks (RMN)

RMNs are a key emerging channel for the tournament, but they also provide a direct avenue to harness first-party data for targeted advertising. Whether running campaigns across RMN websites and apps or tapping into their rich repository of consumer insights, advertisers can tailor their March Madness messages toward specific audience groups. Align your brand with the purchasing intent of engaged viewers, ensuring you reach consumers at an optimal time during their purchase journey.

3. Contextual Targeting

Align your brand seamlessly with March Madness content that resonates with the audience, such as articles recapping games, interviews, and game analyses. Craft your strategy around terms like “March Madness,” “Final Four,” or “Game Day recipes” to position your brand within the contextual fabric of the tournament. This approach guarantees that your message reaches the right audience in a way that enhances their overall experience of March Madness.

Elevate Your Brand in the Basketball (and Post-Cookie) Madness

As we wrap up our post-cookie advertising strategies for March Madness, it’s clear that Automatic Content Recognition, Retail Media Networks, and Contextual Targeting are more than just tools – they are game-changers. These strategies are the key to unlocking meaningful connections with your audience, ensuring your brand’s message not only reaches, but resonates with March Madness fans. Embrace these tactics to navigate the tournament’s advertising landscape with confidence and precision, setting your brand up for a winning season.

For tailored March Madness packages and to elevate your brand’s game, reach out to the Digilant team here. Let the madness begin!

2024 Partner Predictions with Samsung Ads

In the last installment of our 2024 Partner Predictions series, we met with Crissie Perez, Head of South, Midwest, and West Emerging Sales, at Samsung Ads to discuss her predictions for CTV advertising in 2024 and beyond. Let’s dive in. 

Check out our previous predictions featuring insights from FreeWheelOracle Advertising, and Audigent


How can advertisers leverage CTV to reach and engage their audiences throughout the entire funnel — and not just for awareness?

Television advertising has long served as the ultimate awareness medium due to its extensive scale. In the CTV landscape, advertisers are still able to build awareness for their brand but have taken it a step further with new and engaging ad formats, enhanced audience targeting, and granular insights. 

CTV serves as a complementary element to marketing strategies, allowing advertisers to reach a growing population that prefers the familiarity of linear TV while enjoying the convenience of connectivity (i.e. “cord cutters” and other digital users). Because of this connectivity, advertisers have the data needed to reach the right audience with the right message at the right time. For example, if a consumer has already been exposed to an ad, they can be retargeted with a different ad later on with a QR code that could drive a consumer to their website. 

In the multi-platform market that is TV advertising, advertisers can leverage performance metrics like app openings, lift in awareness, lift in foot traffic, and plenty more to understand the full-funnel impact of their campaigns.


How can agencies and advertisers leverage CTV advertising to their advantage in 2024, especially as we say “goodbye” to cookies?

As the industry prepares for third-party cookie deprecation, advertisers must tap into first-party data sources. While the initial announcement of cookie deprecation may have caused unease in the advertising ecosystem, there is a plethora of resources available for advertisers to leverage and manage their proprietary data. 

But how does one organize this information for optimal use? Collaborating with key partners is essential, and companies like Samsung Ads are aiding brands in gaining a deeper understanding of their customers. Identifying important KPIs like foot traffic, website visits, and downloads for example will help shape a strategy and determine whether you are over-reaching, under-reaching, or completely missing your target audience. 

Crissie mentions data management platforms (DMPs) as essential tools in addressing diverse client needs. A DMP uses first-party data to help advertisers plan and execute CTV campaigns, segment audiences, build lookalike audiences, and optimize media spend across campaigns. At Samsung, brands can enhance their first-party data with Samsung Ads’ proprietary first-party TV data, allowing for refined targeting strategies and the delivery of precise, personalized, and impactful CTV campaign advertising campaigns.

As we head into the new year, Crissie emphasizes the importance of advertisers having patience. With the onset of cookie deprecation, navigating the complexities becomes critical;  now is the time to collaborate with partners and seek assistance as needed to manage and use your data for campaigns. The future is bright for CTV, and advertisers can reap the benefits of this cookieless solution. 

Thank you Crissie and the Samsung Ads team for your time and insights!

Game On: Captivating Viewers with Creative Formats During March Madness

As the excitement of March Madness 2024 approaches, the digital landscape transforms into a competitive battleground where advertisers fight for the spotlight. The surge in advertising activity during this period often results in an overwhelming influx of content, presenting a significant challenge for messages to stand out. In fact, ad impressions during March Madness can increase by up to 20% compared to regular months, highlighting the intense competition for viewer attention.

New: Check out our latest March Madness post, Marketing in a Cookie-Free Era

In this saturated digital environment, advertisers have critical strategies and tactics at their disposal to not only capture but also retain viewer engagement. Building on our previous insights that uncovered five key channels for reaching fans during the upcoming tournament, we’ll delve deeper into the realm of ad creatives. The format and messaging that advertisers choose to deploy within digital channels present a tremendous opportunity to captivate audiences. This is where the power of dynamic creative formats comes into play, offering a lifeline to brands aiming to distinguish themselves from the competition.

2 Innovative Creative Formats: Your Key Players in March Madness

In the realm of March Madness advertising, dynamic creative formats are the secret weapons, offering innovative ways to penetrate the clutter and seize viewer attention. Let’s explore two strategies that can help your brand make a lasting impact:

Countdown Clock

In the high-stakes arena of March Madness advertising, timing is crucial. A Countdown Clock is more than a creative format; it’s a psychological catalyst. Incorporating a countdown timer in your ads introduces a sense of urgency and anticipation. Whether you’re counting down to a special event, an exclusive offer, or the final moments of a game, this tactic instills a sense of immediacy, prompting viewers to take immediate action.

QR Code Integration in CTV Creative

The landscape of March Madness viewing is evolving, with a notable trend towards streaming services. Seize this opportunity by integrating scannable QR codes into your Connected TV (CTV) ads. This strategy transcends traditional advertising, transforming it into an interactive experience. Viewers are invited to scan the code to access exclusive content, secure limited-time offers, or interact with your brand in innovative ways. This approach not only boosts brand engagement but also bridges the gap between digital and physical realm.

Game Plan Review: Dynamic Creative Formats Support Winning Strategies for Advertisers

March Madness presents a unique challenge for advertisers: making their messages stand out in a saturated digital space. Employing dynamic creative formats like Countdown Clocks and QR Code Integration in CTV ads provides a potent solution. These strategies are designed not just to capture attention but also to deeply engage audiences, ensuring that your brand makes a significant impact in the spirited March Madness advertising arena. Stay tuned for more insights and strategies to enhance your brand’s presence during this competitive season.

Navigating March Madness Marketing: 5 Strategic Channels for Advertisers

This year’s highly-anticipated March Madness will offer advertisers unparalleled opportunities to immerse themselves in the excitement of the tournament. We’ve compiled essential information to help advertisers navigate the upcoming media frenzy and capitalize on opportunities throughout the games. Let’s jump in.

What Was March Madness Viewership Like in 2023?

The 2023 Men’s March Madness Tournament witnessed a remarkable 5% surge in total viewership, captivating a staggering 36 million U.S. households across all games. The championship game had a 13% spike in viewership from 2022, solidifying its status as the most-watched basketball game of the year. Interestingly, 37% of Men’s March Madness viewers tuned in for the Women’s tournament, underscoring the crossover appeal of the two competitions.

On the women’s side, the numbers were equally impressive, with a 71% increase in total viewership compared to the previous year. The championship game drew an average of 9.92 million viewers, peaking at 12.6 million. This not only established it as the most-watched women’s college basketball game to date but also reflected a 65% increase in viewership for the two Final Four contests, averaging 4.5 million viewers. As noted, there’s a strong relationship between men’s and women’s fans. On the women’s side, 76% of viewers were also avid followers of the men’s tournament.

5 Recommendations for Advertisers to Reach March Madness Fans and Viewers

By strategically employing multiple channels, unique creative formats, and key targeting strategies, advertisers can boost brand awareness while fostering meaningful interactions and engagement among basketball fans. Here are five channels that advertisers can use throughout the tournament to create personalized, unique, and impactful brand interactions for consumers.

1. Advanced TV

Streaming TV is vying to dethrone cable and satellite when it comes to fans’ preferred viewing methods. In 2023, 58% of fans tuned into games via cable and satellite whereas 48% chose live TV streaming services. Additionally, 26% of fans watched via the March Madness site or app compounding the impact of non-linear viewing habits.  

With the surge in popularity of streaming services and CTV, seize the opportunity to connect with viewers on a personalized level. Tailor campaigns to align seamlessly with March Madness, using in-game integrations and exclusive content sponsorships to capture the attention of engaged audiences.

2. Podcasts through Advanced Audio

Podcast listenership has steadily grown in recent years; currently, more than a quarter of the U.S. population listens to podcasts every week. When it comes to March Madness, there’s no shortage of content as sports takes 4th place for share of weekly listeners


Podcasts provide a non-intrusive yet highly engaging way to connect with audiences during the tournament. Advertisers can target ads within tournament-related or sports-adjacent content to reach and resonate with passionate March Madness fans

3. Digital out-of-home (DOOH)

While the digital realm commands attention, advertisers shouldn’t overlook the physical world. DOOH provides an opportunity to capture consumer attention beyond personal screens. Engage viewers on their commutes or at March Madness events through strategically placed billboards and interactive displays. Craft visually compelling ads that align with the spirit of the tournament, ensuring your brand becomes an integral part of the March Madness experience both online and offline.

4. Retail Media Networks

Collaborating with retail platforms during March Madness offers a direct avenue to align advertising efforts with consumers’ purchasing journeys. Strategically position your brand on retail media platforms, leveraging targeted advertising to feature special promotions or exclusive March Madness-themed products. By meeting consumers at the intersection of their shopping intent and March Madness enthusiasm, your brand can seamlessly integrate into the purchasing path, resulting in heightened engagement and conversion.

5. TikTok

TikTok offers advertisers a wide array of creative and dynamic advertising opportunities to reach 108 million TikTok users in the U.S. Brands can reach diverse and younger audiences with tailored strategies to seamlessly integrate into March Madness conversations on TikTok. With seemingly endless creative opportunities, brands can creative formats to foster engagement and make lasting impressions. Consider some of the following ideas: 

  • Promote interactive challenges to boost user engagement
  • Collaborate with influencers for authentic connections 
  • Share March Madness moments through short-form videos
  • Utilize AR challenge filters for interactive experiences 
  • Introduce exclusive offers to drive excitement and conversion. 

The upcoming March Madness Tournament promises great opportunities for advertisers to immerse themselves in the tournament’s excitement. As we’ve explored the 2023 tournament’s substantial viewership and strategic recommendations for engagement across diverse channels, now, it’s time for advertisers to grab the ball and score big. 

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2024 Partner Predictions With Audigent

The Digilant team spoke with Greg Williams, President at Audigent, for our Partner Predictions video series! 

Check out our previous installments featuring insights from FreeWheel and Oracle Advertising.

With data deep in their roots, Audigent is actively working to prepare agencies and brands for the onset of cookie deprecation. In our discussion, Greg emphasizes the importance of building a plan, testing outcomes, and working in tandem with partners to build strong cookieless solutions moving forward. 


The new year is a big one for our industry as Google will deprecate third-party cookies. What can agencies do today to prepare for deprecation as it pertains to audience targeting?

“There’s strength in numbers, and that’s how you implement policy change and that’s how you work with the rest of the ecosystem.” – Greg Williams, President at Audigent

The topic of cookie deprecation has been an ongoing one — dating back to 2019. Google announced the commencement of cookie deprecation for Q1 2024, starting at 1% of traffic until eventually reaching 100% by late 2024. Amidst the ongoing speculation and uncertainty surrounding delays and the post-third-party cookie landscape, Greg suggests the following: plan assuming firm dates, set internal expectations, and allocate testing budget. 

It’s crucial for advertisers to be aligned both within the organization and external partners. By adhering to the expected dates, organizations can accurately plan their initiatives, involving testing external IDs in different browser environments, exploring protected audiences, and aligning with technology partners focused on mutual interests.

As agencies and brands embark on these testing periods and preparations, Greg also highlights the importance of being vocal in the space. Because this is an initiative across the entire ecosystem, there is strength in numbers, and taking initiative at this time will set you up for success through 2024 and beyond. 


What should agencies and their advertisers consider when looking at contextual targeting as a cookieless solution to reaching audiences?

Contextual advertising is a critical tactic for advertisers as we head into the cookieless future. With contextual advertising, agencies and brands can leverage a solution that is brand safe, keeps consumer privacy top-of-mind, and delivers a great user experience to the consumer, targeting particular keywords and topics that are of interest to the viewer. Greg stresses the need for advertisers to have a solid foundation in contextual advertising and aligning their strategies with the evolving landscape. 

To obtain the most optimal outcomes with a contextual strategy, advertisers should consider factors such as solution capabilities, activation methods, measurability, technology infrastructure, and consumer privacy. Understanding where the data is coming from, how your team can easily access contextual solutions, and implementing a method of measurement will be critical for your team’s success. From an external standpoint, aligning these goals with your partners will allow you to, as Greg stated, “work together on solving challenges and working for what is in your best interest, to drive your own portfolio of brands, of campaigns — whatever that might be.”

Thank you to Greg Williams and the Audigent team for your time! Stay tuned for our last segment of 2024 Partner Predictions. 

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