Case Study

Luxury Car Brand Drives Site Traffic for Spring Sales Event


The Goal

A luxury car company was interested in driving traffic to specific landing pages on their site. Each page had specific actions geared toward consumers based on where they were in the customer journey. These actions included getting directions to a dealership, learning about offers, and submitting an inquiry for a specific vehicle.

The Strategy

The team utilized Digilant’s programmatic capabilities to see this goal come to fruition. Digilant was able to successfully hone in on audience segments, by incorporating a variety of tactics.

The most conversions (20%) occurred in the <1 hour time bucket, proving a majority of users immediately submitted a purchase inquiry after being served the ad. The next largest group came 3-12 hours after being served the ad. So, the team implemented strategic retargeting. Proactively breaking Site Retargeting tactics into hourly buckets, led to the 6.064 actions on the respective landing pages.

Running this campaign on Facebook and Instagram, Digilant was able to learn about the best converting audiences. These insights were then used when rolling out the fall savings event campaign.

The Results

  • 6,064 total actions
  • 12,922,874 impressions
  • 714,815 completed video views

Key Insights

Top performing sites were a mix, including:
• Auto
• National News
• Lifestyle
• Local News
60% of converters were between the ages of 35 and 54.
Most converters were homeowners with a household of 3+ people.

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